Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Fix Any Bug In React Native Or Develop New Feature


I'm a senior JavaScript developer with 6 years of experience. I have worked for many clients as an independent freelancer and worked on tons of mobile apps.
I have a great experience with React Native and mobile development. I can fix almost anything related to my speciality.

You can check my code and contribution on Github: jpudysz
I can sign NDA before any work



Fast and successful delivery


Delivers as always.


Great submit support, now we have a developer who can handle Apple and Android submitting process like a PRO!


We have a custom made social media platform with users gross the globe. We have messenger application in react native that has a lot of bugs and crashes. Out of all the developers here, this guy was the only one who stood up and told us that no problem, give me 1 day and I will come back with fixes and suggestions. And he did. We got what we were looking for, someone who takes our buggy crashy app, looks into it and points out what needs to be done. 1. Perfect englis 2. Patience, man he has it under control 3. Expert in his field 4. Listens, thinks and most important - keeps his word. Now we hope that our open feedback does not rob him from us ;) Take it easy please.


Would buy again!

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