Friday, September 28, 2018

I will conduct a UX audit for your website or app

I will conduct a UX audit for your website or app


Having a website or an application that your users have difficulties using it or you think it could be improved somehow? User experience and usability are essential for your product success and easiness of use.

I audit any product from two perspectives: Usability & Product Design.

For usability auditing, I use the 10 heuristic evaluation model. You will get a detailed sheet with your product's problems, it's severity, heuristic violated and a recommendation on how to solve this issue.

For product design, I use my experience to rate: User experience, Interaction design, Information architecture, and visual design. Plus high level recommendations for each area. 

Finally, I create a presentation for you to summarize all my finding in addition to the core files I work on.

Going a step forward, I can make a detailed project plan for you if you decided to revamp your product.


social_quotient:as promised

sherifamin9:Outstanding Experience!

social_quotient:as promised

sherifamin9:Outstanding Experience!


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