Friday, April 20, 2018

I will write comments along with code. Complex component based structure.

I will write comments along with code. Complex component based structure.


I will develop a full fledged single page application with Angular JS and Angular 2/4. I can also integrate back end (in node, php etc.). There are following things I can do for you.

  • Components based app.
  • Comments
  • Unit Testing
  • Automation with Protractor
  • Database integration
  • App deployment
  • Create Graphics.


thevanclub:A clear 5 star seller. Excellent communication at all times, worked extremely fast, very professional and most importantly he knows his stuff (for us it was angular and node), he took the time to understand our app and help make some very important and needed changes. Will be working again very soon

umairjameel:Outstanding Experience!

mansooraleem:Very helpful and knowledgeable.

umairjameel:Outstanding Experience!

muchbetterteach:Great experience.

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